Batman's Homepage
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Batman's Songs

Death of War

Life runs still until the end

It shall come but will it mend

Man makes war

War takes man

Death of war is death of man

Death and pain to scream of guns

Boddies strewn in massive tons

Man makes war

War takes man

Death of war is death of man

Earth is ruined

But who's to blame?

War, you know, was made by man.

Haim Cory

Whenever Haim Clauss came to class

We students on the school desk looked at him

He was a warrior with medals of brass

Badly dressed and rarely slim.


And he was always smiling when he talked

And he was always talking when he walked

But still, he fluttered pulses when he said : "I was in the 101"

And he glittered when he walked.


And he was fat, yes, fatter than a pig

And a fool in every grace

In fine we thought that he was bald enough

To make us hope we weren't in his place


So on we went, and worshipped his might

And went without the meat, and cursed the loof

Then Haim Clauss, One calm summer day

Fixed the antenna and fell off the roof.

Genesis Of Oblivion

A prophecy of doom

Once given to an elder

Ignored through all these years

A galactic apocalypse

Foreseen amongst the ages

Forgotten long ago

Ashes are what remain

Of a once prospering world

The vapor of our souls

Now leave the end untold

In our sleep we've dreamt

Of going up to heaven

None of this exists

Remain in nothingness

End of the world is here, we cannot see we cannot hear

End of the world is here, we passed away, no pain just fear

A prophecy of doom

Foreseen amongst the ages

The vapor of our souls

Remain in nothingness

A galactic apocalypse

Of a once prospering world

And with a dying hiss

All turns dark and cold.

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